Kai-Chiang Wu
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Phone: +886-3-571-2121 #54734
Office: Room 530, Engineering Building #3
E-mail: $id {at} cs.nctu.edu.tw (where $id is kcw)
*** My research lab, students, referees
[徵才] 碩博士研究生、大學部專題生:歡迎懷抱大確幸想塊陶出國唸書工作,懷抱中確幸想加入大M台G對抗小❋三★,或是懷抱小確幸單純想學技術長知識練摳釘的人,勇敢加入,無誠勿試,意者請直接e-mail給我
[徵才] 優先考慮有意願攻讀博士的學生,無論你想出國工作、留學、交換,或在地找到一份好工作,本實驗室提供絕佳的機會及訓練,讓你一展長才
Research Interests
- AI運算平台設計 (AI computing platform design)
- 近似計算於AI之應用 (approximate computing for AI applications) [video], [detail]
- 安全與硬體特洛伊 (cybersecurity and hardware Trojan)
- SoC設計自動化 (electronic design automation, system-on-chip/chip-multiprocessor design verification and optimization) [detail], (EDA in a nutshell, by Prof. Yi-Yu Liu)
- 高效節能計算 (high-performance energy-aware computing, approximate/green computing) [detail]
- 可靠系統設計 (reliable/trustworthy system design, design for reliability/trust) [detail]
簡言之,我們實作軟體來自動化IoT/SoC/CMP(多處理器)設計流程中的分析及優化等步驟,目標在於開發出高效節能(Green)、長效(REliable)及可靠(And Trustworthy)的GREAT系統。
- Ph.D.: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA [less]
- M.Sc.: Department of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
- Thesis: Delay Variation Tolerance for Domino Circuits
- Advisor: Prof. Shih-Chieh Chang
- Overall GPA: 4.00/4.00
- Courses Taken:
- CS5100 - Advanced Computer Architecture
- CS5105 - Embedded Processor Design
- CS5130 - Computer Aided Design for VLSI
- CS6132 - Advanced Switching Theory
- CS6135 - VLSI Physical Design Automation
- EE5270 - VLSI for Signal Processing
- B.Sc.: Department of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
- Undergrad Design Project: Cell-based Design of a Postfix Expression Co-processor
- Advisor: Prof. TingTing Hwang
- Overall GPA: 3.80/4.00
- Major GPA: 3.93/4.00
- Last 2-year GPA: 3.89/4.00
- 2013/08 - Present: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University
- 2011/08 - 2013/07: Senior Software Engineer, Design Technology Solutions, Intel Corporation, USA [less]
- Worked on CPU design analysis and convergence/closure, with focus on reliability verification and optimization.
- Worked on identifying root causes of reliability degradation, and cleaning the root causes to ensure the satisfaction of reliability requirements.
- 2006/08 - 2011/07: Research/Teaching Assistant, Energy Aware Computing (EnyAC) Research Group, Carnegie Mellon University
- 2006/02 - 2006/06: Research Assistant, Electronic Commerce Research Center, National Sun Yat-Sen University
- 2004/12 - 2006/01: Ensign Instructor, Information Section, Naval Technical School, R.O.C. Navy
Research Interests
Publications, Talks, and Activities
Honors, Awards, and Sponsorships