q電子輪盤積體電路 (Roulette Integrated-Circuit)
n (西元1985年) 國科會晶片設計中心最早製成之積體電路。此積體電路之製作過程如下述。首先以計工系師生自行開發之軟體
System V 設計積體電路佈局圖,再由工技院電子所製作所須的光罩,最後由國科會晶片設計中心製作完成。
n (1985 A. D.) This is the earliest
integrated-circuit(IC) fabricated by the Chip Implementation (CIC) Center of the National Science Council.
The procedure to fabricate the IC is described as follows. First, the investigators at the Department
of Computer Engineering use the self-developed software tool System V to design the layout of
the IC. Second, using the layout, Electronic Research and Service Organization implements the
corresponding photo mask. Finally, it is sent
to CIC for IC fabrication.
q單板微電腦 (Single Board Microcomputer)
n (西元1990年) 資工系師生自製的單板微電腦。其採用 Intel 8088 微處理器。資工系在「微算機系統實驗」課程中,多年採用此單板微電腦當實驗教材。
(1990 A. D.) This single board microcomputer is implemented by the investigators
at the Department of computer Science and Information Engineering. The microprocessor used in this
board is Intel 8088. This board has been adopted as experimental