Chinese Keyboard)
n (西元1973年) 計算機科學系師生自製的中型中文鍵盤。其為世界最古老的中型中文鍵盤,共有20x32鍵,含496字根。
n (1973 A. D.) This medium-size
Chinese keyboard is implemented by the investigators at the Department of Computer Science. It is the
earliest medium-size Chinese keyboard in world. It has 20×32 keys
with 496
Chinese radicals.
n (西元1985年) 計工系師生自製的終端機伺服器。其使用 Z80 微處理器為控制核心,執行多個終端機與主計算機之間連線的切換工作。
n (1985 A. D.) This terminal server
is implemented by the
investigators at the Department of Computer Engineering. It uses the microprocessor Z80 to control the switching operations
of several terminals and host computers.