(Evolution of Microprocessor)
n 英特爾公司於西元1971年11月推出世界第一顆單晶片4位元微處理器 Intel 4004。之後, 密度更高、速度更快的微處理器陸續出現。短短三十幾年由僅含有 2,250 個電晶體、時鐘頻率為 108 KHz 的微處理器 Intel 4004 進展到含有 42M 個電晶體、時鐘頻率為 2.8 GHz 的 Pentium 4 微處理器。
n In November of 1971, the world's
first single-chip microprocessor,
the Intel 4004, was released. Afterward, many single-chip microprocessors are introduced which are higher in
density and faster in speed. In about 30 years, the microprocessors have been evolved from the Intel 4004
with 2,250 transistors
and a clock rate of 108 kHz to Intel Pentium 4 with 42 M transistors and a clock
rate of 2.8 GHz.