n積體電路記憶體(Integrated-Circuit Memory)
l (西元1972年) 積體電路記憶體中積體電路仍由很多排列整齊的金氧半(MOS)電晶體所組成,一個或數個MOS電晶體組成一基本儲存元件,根據基本儲存元件所儲存電量之大多少以代表 “1” 或
“0” 。
System/370 168型 之主記憶體由容量為1000位元之積體電路所組成,主記憶體之容量可大到8x106位元組。
l (1972 A.D.) The integrated-circuit (IC) memory is composed of an array of MOS
(Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) transistors. One or a few MOS transistors constitute a basic
cell. According to the amount of charge stored the the basic cell, a bit of 1 or 0 can be stored. The
main memory of IBM System/370 Model 168 adopts 1000-bit IC memories to store up to 8
million bytes.
l 隨機存取記憶體積體電路儲存容量之演進(Evolution of the Storage Capacity of RAM IC)
l 由於半導體技術之迅速進展,隨機存取記憶體積體電路價格越來越便宜、速度越來越快、儲存容量越來越大。短短三十幾年儲存容量已由256位元增加到數百萬位元。
l Due to the tremendous progress in semiconductor technology, the RAM ICs are
getting cheaper, faster, and lager in storage
capacity. In about thirty years, the storage capacity of a RAM IC increases from 256 bits to
several hundred million bits.