n旋轉磁鼓(Rotating Magnetic Drum)
l (西元1954年) 旋轉磁鼓為在表面上鍍有磁性材料之圓柱體。根據磁鼓磁性表面上某一點的磁化狀態以代表 “1” 或
“0”。 IBM 650 採用直徑為 4吋,長為14吋的磁鼓以儲存
2,000 字的資料(每字 10 位數)。
l (1954 A.D.) A rotating magnetic drum is a circular cylinder coated with magnetic material. A bit of 1 or 0 is stored in the
drum by magnetizing
a spot on the surface of the drum. IBM 650 adopts a rotating magnetic drum (4
inch diameter
and 14 inch long) to store 2,000 words (10 digits/word).