n靜電儲存映像管(Electrostatic Storage Tube)
l (西元1953年) 靜電儲存映像管之結構似普通陰極射線管。其利用映像管內之陰極射線打在螢幕上某一點所產生電子的多寡以代表 “1” 或
“0”。IBM 701 早期的主記憶體採用了多個靜電儲存映像管以儲存2,048字的資料(每字36位元)。
(1953 A.D.) The overall construction of an electrostatic storage
tube is similar to conventional CRT(Cathode Ray Tube). A bit of 1 or 0 is stored by planting
electronic charge at a spot on the CRT screen. The earlier main
memory of
IBM 701 adopts several electrostatic storage tubes to store 2,048
words (36 bits/word).