n水銀音波延遲線(Mercury Delay Line)
l (西元1951年) 水銀音波延遲線仍為充滿水銀,兩端裝有晶體轉換器的管子。其可儲存聲波。根據聲波在管內某一點的強弱以代表
“1” 或 “0”。UNIVAC I 採用 100 條水銀音波延遲線以儲存1,000字(每字12字母)。
(1951 A.D.) A mercury delay line is a hollow tube filled with
mercury and sealed with crystals (transducers) on each
side. It is used to store an acoustic wave. The
intensity at certain spot of the acoustic wave
determines the stored information is a bit of 1 or 0. UNIVAC I adopts 100 mercury delay
lines to store 1000 words (12 characters each).