n計數齒輪(Counting Wheel)
l (西元1832年) 計數齒輪仍以齒輪旋轉所停的位置決定所存數值的大小。 巴貝治之差數機採用計數齒輪儲存數值。 (本計數齒輪儲存了18320。)
l (1832 A.D.) The
counting wheel stores a number by turning the wheels to corresponding
positions. Babbage’s
Difference Engine adopts counting wheels to store numbers. (The number stored
in the
counting wheel is 18320.)
n真空管(Vacuum Tube)
l (西元1946年) 真空管仍以其導通與否代表 “1” 或 “0”。第一部大型電子計算機 ENIAC 採用 18,000 個真空管以儲存 20 個十進制數,所採用之真空管為 6SN7 雙三極孿生管。(展示品為
l (1946 A.D.) A vacuum
tube can store a bit of 1 or 0 by controlling its conducting states ( “on” or “off”). The first large scale electronic
computer ENIAC
contains 18,000 vacuum tubes to store 20 decimal numbers. The adopted vacuum tube
is 6SN7 double triode. (The vacuum tube on exhibition is 6SN7. It can store
a bit of information.)