n物體相對位置(Relative Position of
l算盤(Abacus or Swan
l (西元1300年) 算盤稱得上是最早採用之手動式計算器。至今還可在遠東區的社會中見到。其以珠子在桿上的位置代表儲存的數值。
l (1300 A.D.) The
abacus is the earliest manual calculator. Its use in the Far East’s
society is still noticeable. The positions of the
beads in rods represent the number stored in the abacus. (The number stored in the abacus is
l計算尺(Slide Rule)
n (西元1630年) 計算尺為兩片其上標有對數座標 的直尺所構成。為一種手動計算器,可在其上 做數學運算。 (本計算尺示範著計算 26×9 之方 式。)
n (1630
A. D.) The slide rule consists of a pair of slide rulers with logarithmic divisions on them. It is a manual calculator on which mathematical operations can be carried out. (The method to calculate 26×9 is demonstrated in the slide