參考資訊 (References)
n[28] Clarence B. Germain, Programming the IBM 1620, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1965.
(TK7830.83 G 317 2nd)
n[29] Reference Manual, IBM 1620 Data
Processing System,
IBM, 1961. (TK7885 In8os)
n[30] Larry Long and Nancy Long, Computers, Prentice-Hall International, 1996. (QA76
L 576 1996)
Judith B. Edwards, et al.,Elements of Computer Careers, Fearon-Pitman Publishers, Inc., Belmont, California, 1977. (TK7885
n[32] Gordon B. Davis, Introduction to Computers, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1977.
(TK7885 D293 1977)
n[33] David O. Arnold and the Editors of PC
World, Getting
Started with PCs and Compatibles--Revised and Expanded, Simon&Schuster, Inc.,
1988. (QA76.8 I1015 A78 1988)
S. Middelhoek, P. K. George, and P. Dekker, Physics of Memory Devices, Academic Press, 1976. (TK7885 M519)
n[35] Richard E. Matick, Computer Storage Systems and Technology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
1977. (TK7895.M4 M427)
Saul Rosen, “Electronic Computers: A History Survey”, Computing Survey, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 1969.