qBibliography (參考書目)
n[1] Larry Long and Nancy Long, Computers, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1986. (QA76 L
n[2] Robert E. Lynch and John R.
Rice, Computers--Their Impact and Use, Structured
Programming in PL/1, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1978. (QA76 L989c)
n[3] H. L. Capron, Computers--Tools for an Information Age, 2nd edition., The
Benjamin/Cummings publishing Company, Inc., 1990. (QA76 C 358 1990)
n[4] Adam Osborne, An Introduction to
Microcomputers--Volume II, Some Real Products, Adam Osborne and Associates, Inc., 1976.
n[5] C. Gordon Bell and Allen
Newell, Computer
Structures--Readings and Examples, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1971.
n[6] 「電腦與資料處理」陳健偉譯,儒林圖書公司,民國71年。
n[7] “Introduction to the
Microprocessor and Personal Computer,” in Chapter 1 of Programming the 80286, 80386, 80486, and
Pentium-Based Person Computer, Barry
B. Brey, Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
n[8] Edward J. Laurie, Computers, Automation, and Society, Richard
D. Irwin, Inc., 1979. (QA76 L375)
n[9] The Computer Museum History Center, http://www.tcm.org
n[10] Microdesign Resources, http://www.MDRonline.com