* Guest Editor for a special issue on Dynamic Optimization for IEEE Transaction on Computers, June, 2001

‧Conference/Workshop Chair

2010: Track Program Chair, ICPP 2010 (International Conference on Parallel Processing).
2010 Program Chair, CTHPC, the 16th Workshop on Compiler Techniques for High-Performance and Embedded Computing.
2009: General co-chair, CTHPC 15.
2008: Track Program Chair, ICPADS
2008: Publication co-chair, ACSAC (Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference)
2007: Local arrangement co-chair, ICPADS (International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems)
2005: Program Chair, INTERACT-9 (Interaction Between Compilers and Computer Architecture), held with HPCA-11 (IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture).
2004: Program Chair, INTERACT-8, held with HPCA-10
2003: Program Chair, INTERACT-7, held with HPCA-9


* Program committee member,

2010: PPoPP,
2010: CGO 2011,
2010: Interact-14 workshop (held with ASPLOS 2010)
2010: IFIP NPC 2010,
2010: Open-64 workshop (held with CGO 2010)
2009: CGO-2010 (ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization)
2009: INTERACT-13, (held with HPCA-15)
2009: OPEN64 workshop (held with CGO2009)
2008: INTERACT-12, (held with HPCA-14)
2008: OPEN64 workshop (held with CGO2008)
2007: ACSAC-2007, (Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference)
2007: INTERACT-11, (held with HPCA-13)
2006: SAC2007 (2007 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing)
2006: CGO-2007
2006: Micro-39, (IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture)
2006: ACSAC-2006
2006: INTERACT-10, held with HPCA-12
2005: CGO-2006
2005: ACSAC-2005
2005: BIA (Binary Instrumentation and Analysis) workshop
(held with PACT-2005, International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques)
2004: ICS-04, (ACM International Conference on Supercomputing)
2004: ACSAC-2004
2002: CGO-2003
2002: Micro-35 (ACM/IEEE International Symposium on MicroArchitecture)
2002: HPCA-9 (IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computer Architecture)
2001: HPCA-8
2000: INTERACT-5
1998: Micro-31
1996: ICCD (IEEE International Conference on Computer Design)
1994: Micro-27

* NSF panel

2006: Computer Architectures
2003: Compilers



©Copyleft 2010 Wei-Chung Hsu.