Text Books:
- Herbert B. Enderton, "A Mathematical Introduction to Logic", Second Edition, Acadmic Press, 2001
Total 18 Weeks include
- 2 weeks, midterm and final exams
- 1 week, Introduction
- 4 weeks, Sentential Logic
- 7 weeks, First-Order Predicate Logic
- 4 weeks, Special Topic
Description and Objective of the Course:
This course is an undergraduate course on mathematical logic. The course teaches students
about symbolic logic that is a mathematical model of deductive thought, much like modern
probability theory is a model for uncertain situations. Three logic models are covered:
sentential logic, first-order predicate logic and finally special topic such as temporal logic.
Additional teaching material beyond the textbook will be used to make the course interesting
and practical.
Class Notes are available on the NCTU e-campus system.