Text Books:
- NCTU 5G M2M Platform and Communications Technologies Class Notes (Fall 2019)
- 5G-Enabled Internet of Things 1st Edition,
Editors: Yulei Wu, Haojun Huang, Cheng-Xiang Wang, Yi Pan, Publisher: CRC Press 2019.
- Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications: Architecture, Performance and Applications (Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials),
Editors: Carles Anton-Haro and Mischa Dohler, Publisher: Elsevier 2015.
- oneM2M Release 2 Specifications 2017-2018
- M2M Communications: A Systems Approach,
Editors: Dave Boswarthick, Omar Elloumi and Olivier Hersent, Publisher: Wiley 2012.
- Cellular Internet of Things: Technologies, Standards, and Performance, 1st Edition,
by Olof Liberg, Marten Sundberg, Eric Wang, Johan Bergman and Joachim Sachs, Publisher: Academic Press 2019.
Total 18 Weeks include
- 3 weeks, midterms and final report
- 8 weeks, lecturing
- 5 weeks, hands-on lab topics
- 2 weeks, research topics
Description and Objective of the Course:
This course is a graduate-level course to explore the important communication technologies for the development of IoT applications
under the 5G mobile network. Through this course, students will be able to master the communication technologies for developing IoT
applications under the 5G mobile broadband network. These technologies include 5G wireless technologies, 5G core network technologies,
Internet of Things platform technologies, Internet of Things IP technologies, Internet of Things security technologies, etc. As the 5G
mobile broadband network will be launched around 2020, the whole communications industry will soon need professionals with expertise
and skills in 5G communication technologies and IoT application development. The course will cover lectures, labs and exploration of
research topics. The lecture will teach students the technical topics as discussed above. The Labs will focus on hands-on experiments
based on course material using Arduino/Raspberry Pi/sensors as the field network and OM2M Open Source as the infrastructure network.
Finally, selected papers will be distributed for exploration of research topics in this emerging area.
Both Class Notes and Lab Notes are available on the NCTU e-campus system.