
A responsive tool organisation wall

2014 Three-day project at CIID.

Maker Faire Rome 2014, Exhibition.

Anyone using a shared tool wall knows that the tools rarely end up back in the right place, and sometimes go missing altogether. In response to this problem we created a manifesto for the ultimate tool organisation system. It should have modularity, flexibility, and subtle feedback.

In our exploration of possible solutions, we were tempted by many technology centered solutions, but the more we put technology at the forefront, the more restrictive the system became. Instead we wanted something which anyone could use in anyway they want. TOOL’s modular approach allows users to install it and use it in a way that is comfortable for them.

If one tool on the wall is removed, an LED behind its designated spot lights up, providing subtle and glance-able feedback to how long the tool has been gone. The colors change over time to indicate the duration and eventually become a blinking alert, reminding users to look for or return the tool. In this way we encourage a responsible individual and group behavior towards keeping one’s tools organized.

Acknowledgments: David Rose (MIT Media Lab) & Adrian Westaway (Special Projects Studio).