Personality Visualization

Visualizing 27 frogs, 11 MBTI types, for us better understand each other and better team up.


In frog Shanghai studio, we celebrate diversity. This project aims to understand each member’s personality based on MBTI test. MBTI is a common method to categorize people with four measurement, i.e. 16 different types, but people of the same type doesn’t necessarily share the same personality in reality. Since a person is categorized to certain type based on his/her ‘preference score’ in four measurement, people labeled with same personality type may have distinct difference in preference score, which is hidden in the test result. By visualizing the result in Processing and d3.js, it helps us better understand each other and further helps the studio to team up people in groups. (See the LINK)

Besides visualization, we also designed an algorithm that transforms people’s personality into jewelry design so we can see one’s personality in tangible form. Lastly, we 3D-printed one person’s jewelry in a spectacular yet humble way, and fulfilled the entire idea in real life.