
An air quality index application

2014 One-week graphic user interface design project at CIID.

AirZone raises awareness of the quality of the air we breathe by visualising the time we spend in polluted areas.

During the research phase, we found that Apps for the same purpose were repetitive and information heavy. Therefore, AirZone is less much lighter, yet still conveys the relevant information in an intuitive and interactive way.

By accessing the current location of the user, AirZone displays the date, city name, air quality index number and pollution level status. It provides a small healthcare tip as per the air quality index of that hour. The background colour of the display screen highlights the air quality index status, which serves as a subtle reminder to make users aware of the air pollution levels in real-time.

By tapping and scrolling you can navigate through the timeline page, the timeline is a visual representation showing and forecasting the air quality for the past 12 hours and future 12 hours respectively. The search icon gives the option to look for a new city and to it to the location list. It’s possible to view the air quality status across a month by tapping the calendar on the homepage.

Logo Iteration

Acknowledgments: Timm Kerkeritz (Raureif), Franch Rausch (Raureif) & Marco Triverio (IDEO).