Chi-Yu Li 李奇育
Professor, CS College
Deputy Director, IT Service Center
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Office: EC529 | Phone ext.: 54733
Email: chiyuli at cs.nycu.edu.tw
Links: [Google Scholar]
I am a professor in the Department of Computer Science at NYCU, and leading the NEtworking and Mobile Systems (NEMS) laboratory (@ MIRC Building 704) in the department. I received a PhD degree in Computer Science from UCLA, where I was a member of the WiNG group led by Professor Songwu Lu, in 2015. Before that, I received an MS degree in Computer Science from NCTU in 2006, and two Bechelor's degrees in Computer Science and Management Science from NCTU in 2004. My research interests include wireless networking, mobile networks and systems, and network security. Current ongoing projects include Cellular/Wi-Fi IoT security, IMS security, ML-based adaptation for 802.11ac/ax networks, Wireless applications on UAVs, low-latency C-V2X warning delivery, MEC architecture and security, etc. Please download my CV here.
*** I am looking for several Bachelor/Master/Phd research assistants and engineers (Full-time). People who plan to study aboard are very welcome. ***
I am looking for self-motivated students (including undergraduate, master, and phd) who want to work on interesting problems in the areas of networking and mobile systems. My ongoing research projects include but not limited to protocol desgins for WiFi networks, security in wireless networking, mobile networks and systems, and network security. The potential students are expected to be willing to learn, to explore, and to code. If you are interested in working with me, please schedule a meeting with me via email.
What's New
- Feb. 2024 One paper accepted by ACM MobiCom'24: 5G/4G IMS Security on Mobile Equipment.
- Jan. 2024 I was awarded Outstanding Contribution Award for Young Scholar in NYCU Computer Science (第一屆資訊年輕學者卓越貢獻獎).
- Sept. 2023 Our project, Resilient 5G Private Network, was awarded Best Technology Award (最佳技術獎) in CHT 5G Innovation Competition 2023.
- Sept. 2023 Our project, ExtraEdge, was awarded Special Jury Award (評審團特別獎) in Mobilehero 2023.
- Jun. 2023 I was awarded Award for Teaching Excellence in English (資訊學院英語教學獎).
- Oct. 2022 Our 911 security paper was awarded the Best Community Paper Award Runner-Up at ACM MobiCom'22.
- Oct. 2022 Our project on reinforcement learning-based WiFi RA (IEEE INFOCOM'21) was awarded NSTC FutureTech Award (國科會未來科技獎) 2022.
- Aug. 2022 One paper accepted by ACM MobiCom'22: Cellular Emergency Service (911) Security.
- May 2022 I was awarded Y. Z. Hsu Technology Invention Award (第十屆有庠科技發明獎).
- Mar. 2022 I was awarded K. T. Li Cornerstone Award (中華民國資訊學會李國鼎磐石獎).
- Sept. 2021 Our IMS security work (ACM Mobicom'20) was awarded MOST FutureTech Award (科技部未來科技獎) 2021.
- Sept. 2021 The joint UAV research project, which was led by Prof. Li-Chun Wang and where we built Mobile UAV Wi-Fi Base Station, was awarded MOST FutureTech Award (科技部未來科技獎) 2021.
- Aug. 2021 One paper accepted by ACM MobiCom'21: Cellular IoT Security.
- Apr. 2021 One paper accepted by IEEE INFOCOM'21: Experience-driven Rate Adaptation.
- Sep. 2020 Our MEC-middlebox testbed was awarded MOST FutureTech Award (科技部未來科技獎) 2020 and MOST FutureTech Best Popularity Award (科技部未來科技最佳人氣獎).
- Apr. 2020 One paper accepted by ACM Mobisys'20: Wi-Fi IoT Security.
- Dec. 2019 One paper accepted by ACM MobiCom'20: Ghost Calls from the IMS System.
- Dec. 2019 One paper accepted by IEEE INFOCOM'20: WiGig Beam Fingerprinting for UAV Positioning System.
- May. 2018 Our Wi-Fi calling paper was awarded Best Paper Award at IEEE CNS'18.
- Outstanding Contribution Award for Young Scholar 2024
- Award for Teaching Excellence in English 2023
- 3-year NSTC Grant for Excellent Young Scholar 2023
- NSTC FutureTech Award 2022
- Y. Z. Hsu Technology Invention Award 2022
- K. T. Li Cornerstone Award 2022
- Two MOST FutureTech Awards 2021
- MOST FutureTech Best Popular Award 2020
- MOST FutureTech Award 2020
- 3-year MOST Grant for Excellent Young Scholar 2020
- Best Paper Award in Taiwan Telecom 2020
- Best Demo Award in Mobile Computing Workshop 2019
- Google Android Security Reward 2019
- Best Paper Award in IEEE CNS 2018
- Facebook Security Reward 2017
- 3-year MOST Grant for Excellent Young Scholar 2017
- MTK Junior Chair Professor Award 2016
Selected Publications
Dissecting Operational Cellular IoT Service Security: Attacks and Defenses
Sihan Wang, Tian Xie, Min-Yue Chen, Guan-Hua Tu, Chi-Yu Li, Xinyu Lei, Po-Yi Chou, Fucheng Hsieh, Yiwen Hu, Li Xiao, Chunyi Peng
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), Early Access, Sept. 2023. -
Unveiling the Insecurity of Operational Cellular Emergency Services (911): Vulnerabilities, Attacks, and Countermeasures
Yiwen Hu, Min-Yue Chen, Guan-Hua Tu, Chi-Yu Li, Sihan Wang, Jingwen Shi, Tian Xie, Xiao Li, Chunyi Peng, Zhaowei Tan, Songwu Lu
ACM GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications, Vol. 27, Issue 1, pp. 39-43, March 2023. (Invited Paper)
GetMobile Research Highlight -
MPKIX: Towards More Accountable and Secure Internet Application Services via Mobile Networked Systems
Tian Xie, Sihan Wang, Xinyu Lei, Jingwen Shi, Guan-Hua Tu, Chi-Yu Li
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), Vol. 22, Issue 6, pp. 3489-3507, June 2023. -
Insecurity of Operational IMS Call Systems: Vulnerabilities, Attacks, and Countermeasures
Yu-Han Lu, Sandy Hsin-Yu Hsiao, Chi-Yu Li, Yi-Chen Hsieh, Po-Yi Chou, Yao-Yu Li, Tian Xie, Guan-Hua Tu
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), Vol. 31, Issue 2, pp. 800-815, April 2023. -
Uncovering Insecure Designs of Cellular Emergency Services (911)
Yiwen Hu, Min-Yue Chen, Guan-Hua Tu, Chi-Yu Li, Sihan Wang, Jingwen Shi, Tian Xie, Xiao Li, Chunyi Peng, Zhaowei Tan, Songwu Lu
ACM MOBICOM'22. Best Community Paper Award Runner-Up
AT&T Security Reward
Modeling Control Delays for Edge-enabled UAVs in Cellular Networks
Yu-Hsuan Wu, Chi-Yu Li, Yi-Bing Lin, Kuochen Wang, Meng-Shou Wu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT-J), Vol. 9, Issue 17, pp. 16222-16233, September 2022. -
P4-TINS: P4-driven Traffic Isolation for Network Slicing with Bandwidth Guarantee and Management
Yan-Wei Chen, Chi-Yu Li, Chien-Chao Tseng, Min-Zhi Hu
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), Vol. 19, Issue 3, pp. 3290-3303, March 2022. -
Insecurity of Operational Cellular IoT Service: New Vulnerabilities, Attacks, and Countermeasures
Sihan Wang, Guan-Hua Tu, Xinyu Lei, Tian Xie, Chi-Yu Li, Po-Yi Chou, Fucheng Hsieh, Yiwen Hu, Li Xiao, Chunyi Peng
ACM MobiCom'21. -
An Experience Driven Design for IEEE 802.11ac Rate Adaptation based on Reinforcement Learning
Syuan-Cheng Chen, Chi-Yu Li, Chui-Hao Chiu
The Untold Secrets of WiFi-Calling Services: Vulnerabilities, Attacks, and Countermeasures
Tian Xie, Guan-Hua Tu, Bangjie Yin, Chi-Yu Li, Chunyi Peng, Mi Zhang, Hui Liu, Xiaoming Liu
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), Vol. 20, Issue 11, pp. 3131-3147, Nov. 2021. -
SecWIR: Securing Smart Home IoT Communications via Wi-Fi Routers with Embedded Intelligence
Xinyu Lei, Guan-Hua Tu, Chi-Yu Li, Tian Xie, Mi Zhang
How Can IoT Services Pose New Security Threats in Operational Cellular Networks?
Tian Xie, Guan-Hua Tu, Chi-Yu Li, Chunyi Peng
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), Vol. 20, Issue 8, pp. 2592-2606, Aug. 2021. -
Practical Machine Learning-based Rate Adaptation Solution for Wi-Fi NICs: IEEE 802.11ac as a Case Study
Chi-Yu Li, Syuan-Cheng Chen, Chien-Ting Kuo, Chui-Hao Chiu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), Vol. 69, Issue 9, pp. 10264-10277, Sept. 2020. -
Transparent AAA Security Design for Low-latency MEC-integrated Cellular Networks
Chi-Yu Li, Ying-Dar Lin, Yuan-Cheng Lai, Hsu-Tung Chien, Yu-Sheng Huang, Po-Hao Huang, Hsueh-Yang Liu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), Vol. 69, Issue 3, pp. 3231-3243, March 2020. -
Ghost Calls from Operational 4G Call Systems: IMS Vulnerability, Call DoS Attack, and Countermeasure
Yu-Han Lu, Chi-Yu Li, Yao-Yu Li, Sandy Hsin-Yu Hsiao, Tian Xie, Guan-Hua Tu, Wei-Xun Chen
WBF-PS: WiGig Beam Fingerprinting for UAV Positioning System in GPS-denied Environments
Pei-Yuan Hong, Chi-Yu Li, Hong-Rong Chang, YuanHao Hsueh, Kuochen Wang
The Dark Side of Operational Wi-Fi Calling Services
Tian Xie, Guan-Hua Tu, Chi-Yu Li, Chunyi Peng, Jaiwei Li, Mi Zhang
IEEE CNS'18. Best Paper Award, Google Security Reward -
New Security Threats Caused by IMS-based SMS Service in 4G LTE Networks
Guan-Hua Tu*, Chi-Yu Li* (*:Co-Primary), Chunyi Peng, Yuanjie Li, Songwu Lu
ACM CCS'16 Facebook Security Reward -
An Energy Efficiency Perspective on Rate Adaptation for 802.11n NIC
Chi-Yu Li, Chunyi Peng, Peng Cheng, Songwu Lu, Xinbing Wang, Fengyuan Ren, Tao Wang
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), vol. 15, no. 6, p1333-1347, 2016. -
Detecting Problematic Control-Plane Protocol Interactions in Mobile Networks
Guan-Hua Tu, Yuanjie Li, Chunyi Peng, Chi-Yu Li, Songwu Lu
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), vol. 24, no. 2, p1209-1222, 2016. -
Insecurity of Voice Solution VoLTE in LTE Mobile Networks
Chi-Yu Li, Guan-Hua Tu, Chunyi Peng, Zengwen Yuan, Yuanjie Li, Songwu Lu, Xinbing Wang
ACM CCS'15 -
Latency-Aware Rate Adaptation in 802.11n Home Networks
Chi-Yu Li, Chunyi Peng, Guan-Hua Tu, Songwu Lu, Xinbing Wang, Ranveer Chandra
Real Threats to Your Data Bills: Security Loopholes and Defense in Mobile Data Charging
Chunyi Peng, Chi-Yu Li, Guan-Hua Tu, Hongyi Wang, Songwu Lu
ACM CCS'14 -
Control-Plane Protocol Interactions in Cellular Networks
Guan-Hua Tu, Yuanjie Li, Chunyi Peng, Chi-Yu Li, Hongyi Wang, Songwu Lu
Collaborative Energy Save for MIMO 802.11 Wireless Networks
Ioannis Pefkianakis, Chi-Yu Li, Chunyi Peng, Suk-Bok Lee, Songwu Lu
How Voice Calls Affect Data in Operational LTE Networks
Guan-Hua Tu, Chunyi Peng, Hongyi Wang, Chi-Yu Li, Songwu Lu
Accounting for Roaming Users on Mobile Data Access: Issues and Root Causes
Guan-Hua Tu, Chunyi Peng, Chi-Yu Li, Xingyu Ma, Songwu Lu
Mobile Data Charging: New Attacks and Countermeasures
Chunyi Peng, Chi-Yu Li, Guan-Hua Tu, Songwu Lu, Lixia Zhang
ACM CCS'12 -
Can We Pay for What We Get in 3G Data Access?
Chunyi Peng, Guan-Hua Tu, Chi-Yu Li, Songwu Lu
Energy-based Rate Adaptation for 802.11n
Chi-Yu Li, Chunyi Peng, Songwu Lu, Xinbing Wang
What is Wrong/Right with IEEE 802.11n Spatial Multiplexing Power Save Feature?
Ioannis Pefkianakis, Chi-Yu Li, Songwu Lu