$ wget http://busybox.net/downloads/busybox-1.18.5.tar.bz2; tar xvf busybox-1.18.5.tar.bz2 $ cd busybox-1.18.5; make menuconfig $ make; make install
$ sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi $ sudo apt-get install gdb-arm-none-eabi $ sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/gdb-arm-none-eabi_7.0.1-2_i386.deb
--------------------------- ------------------ | TCP/IP | | | | gdb <--------> gdbserver | <---> Probe (ICE) <----> | debugee | | | USB JTAG | | | (Host PC) | | (Target Board) | --------------------------- ------------------
# 或是透過 Ctrl + Alt + 2 喚起 monitor 視窗,輸出 gdbserver,等待 GDB 連接。 $ qemu-system-arm -M lm3s6965evb --kernel test.bin --serial null -nographic -S -s $ arm-none-eabi-gdb test.elf (gdb) target remote :1234
$ openocd.exe -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/stm32f4x.cfg $ arm-none-eabi-gdb test.elf (gdb) target remote localhost:3333 (gdb) monitor reset halt (gdb) load (gdb) break main (gdb) continue
The Keil ULINK2 Debug Adapter connects your PC's USB port to your target system (via JTAG, SWD, or OCDS) and allows you to program and debug embedded programs on target hardware.