====== MiBench ====== #/bin/bash # This is for MiBench TARBALL_DIR="source" LINK="http://www.eecs.umich.edu/mibench" if [ -d "$TARBALL_DIR" ]; then rm -f $TARBALL_DIR/* else mkdir $TARBALL_DIR fi declare -a tarballs=( "automotive.tar.gz" "consumer.tar.gz" "network.tar.gz" "office.tar.gz" "security.tar.gz" "telecomm.tar.gz" ) for tarball in "${tarballs[@]}"; do wget -P ${TARBALL_DIR} "${LINK}/${tarball}" tar xvf "${TARBALL_DIR}/${tarball}" -C . done # skip dirs below, # consumer/ # tiff-data tiff-v3.5.4 tiff2bw tiff2rgba tiffdither tiffmedian # lame mad # office/ # sphinx ghostscript ispell, rsynth # security/ # rijndael pgp declare -A dirs=( [automotive]="basicmath bitcount qsort susan" [consumer]="jpeg typeset" [network]="dijkstra patricia" [office]="stringsearch" [security]="blowfish sha" [telecomm]="CRC32 FFT adpcm gsm" ) # rsynth # ./configure x86; -lm declare -A config=( [rsynth]="" ) declare -A exception=( [adpcm]="src" [jpeg]="jpeg-6a" [lame]="lame3.70" [mad]="mad-0.14.2b" [typeset]="lout-3.24" [ghostscript]="src" ) # telecomm/adpcm # consumer/ # jpeg mad typeset # security/ # blowfish rijndael for bench in "${!dirs[@]}"; do cd $bench for subdir in ${dirs[$bench]}; do # requires subdirs with no spaces if [[ "${exception[$subdir]}" != "" ]] ; then cd "$subdir/${exception[$subdir]}"; ./configure; make; cd ../.. else make -C "$subdir" fi done cd .. done export PATH=.:$PATH for bench in "${!dirs[@]}"; do cd $bench for subdir in ${dirs[$bench]}; do cd $subdir echo "cd $subdir" ./runme_small.sh cd .. done cd .. done --- tiff-v3.5.4/tools/Makefile.in.orig 2012-05-01 11:03:25.246446038 +0800 +++ tiff-v3.5.4/tools/Makefile.in 2012-05-01 11:01:27.505828451 +0800 @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ COPTS = @GCOPTS@ OPTIMIZER=-O IPATH = -I. -I${SRCDIR} -I${LIBDIR} -CFLAGS = @ENVOPTS@ ${COPTS} ${OPTIMIZER} ${IPATH} +CFLAGS = @ENVOPTS@ ${COPTS} ${OPTIMIZER} ${IPATH} -lm # TIFFLIB = ${DEPTH}/libtiff/libtiff.@DSOSUF@ LIBJPEG = @LIBJPEG@ --- office/rsynth/Makefile.in.orig 2012-05-01 18:43:32.949628859 +0800 +++ office/rsynth/Makefile.in 2012-05-01 18:42:30.812984173 +0800 @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ PREFIX = @prefix@ BIN_DIR = $(PREFIX)/bin LIB_DIR = $(PREFIX)/lib/dict -LDLIBS = @LIBS@ +LDLIBS = @LIBS@ -lm XLIBS = @XLIBS@ CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ * [[http://www.eecs.umich.edu/mibench/|MiBench Version 1.0]] * [[http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10383529/can-i-replace-the-array-name-in-a-bash-script|Can I replace the array name in a bash script?]] * [[git://github.com/ZackClown/mibench.git]] ====== SPEC ====== * [[SPEC]] * PARSEC * CORMARK * [[EEMBC]] * [[http://euler.slu.edu/~fritts/mediabench/|MediaBench]]