* [[wp>MIDI]] * [[wp>Analog-to-digital converter]] * [[wp>Envelope (waves)]] * 振幅包絡 * [[wp>Pulse-code modulation|Pulse-code modulation (PCM)]] * 將音訊振幅分為數階。 * In a PCM stream, the amplitude of the analog signal is sampled regularly at uniform intervals, and each sample is quantized to the nearest value within a range of digital steps. * [[wp>Differential pulse-code modulation|Differential pulse-code modulation (DPCM)]] * 儲存音階差,以減少使用 bit 數。 * [[wp>Adaptive differential pulse-code modulation|Adaptive differential pulse-code modulation (ADPCM)]] * 透過建表,進一步減少使用 bit 數。但因表格大小限制,誤差會比較大。 * [[wp>Sampling|取樣率]] * 10Khz 代表每秒對音頻取 10K 個樣本。一般會取音頻頻寬兩倍的樣本,方能從樣本重建回原本音頻。 ====== 外部連結 ====== * [[http://www.midi.twmail.net/ltu01.htm|認識數位音訊]] * [[|多媒體技術基礎]] * [[wp>Cakewalk (sequencer)|Cakewalk]]