;* written by Karsten Scheibler, 2004-AUG-09
global smc_start
;* some assign's
%assign SYS_WRITE 4
%assign SYS_MPROTECT 125
%assign PROT_READ 1
%assign PROT_WRITE 2
%assign PROT_EXEC 4
;* data
section .bss
alignb 4
modified_code: resb 0x2000
;* smc_start
section .text
;calculate the address in section .bss, it must lie on a page
;boundary (x86: 4KB = 0x1000)
;NOTE: In this example obsolete because each segment is page
; aligned and we use it only once, so we know that it is
; aligned to a page boundary, but if you have more than
; one section .bss in your code (or link several objects
; together) you can't be sure about that
mov dword ebp, (modified_code + 0x1000)
and dword ebp, 0xfffff000
;change flags of this page to read + write + executable,
;NOTE: On x86 Architecture this call is obsolete, because for
; section .bss PROT_READ and PROT_WRITE are already set.
; PROT_EXEC is on x86 also set if PROT_READ is set, this
; results in rwx for this segment, but this behavior may
; change with appearance of the NX-flag in modern processors
mov dword eax, SYS_MPROTECT ; int mprotect(const void *addr, size_t len, int prot);
mov dword ebx, ebp ; ebp 存放 bss 段所在頁面開頭的位址
mov dword ecx, 0x1000
mov dword edx, (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC)
int byte 0x80
test dword eax, eax
js near smc_error
;execute unmodified code first
mov dword eax, SYS_WRITE ; ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
mov dword ebx, 1
mov dword ecx, hello_world_1
mov dword edx, (hello_world_2 - hello_world_1)
int byte 0x80
;copy code snippet from above to our page (address is still in ebp)
; 把 code1 copy 到 bss 段 (ebp)。
; http://courses.engr.illinois.edu/ece390/archive/fall2001/books/labmanual/inst-ref-movsb.html
; movsb 把 esi 的內容拷貝到 edi,重複 ecx 次。
mov dword ecx, (code1_end - code1_start)
mov dword esi, code1_start
mov dword edi, ebp
rep movsb
;append 'ret' opcode to it, so that we can do a call to it
mov byte al, [return] ; return label 處放的是 ret 指令
;change some values in the copied code: start address of the text
;and its length
; ebp 是 bss 段的開頭
mov dword eax, hello_world_2
mov dword ebx, (code1_mark_1 - code1_start)
mov dword [ebx + ebp - 4], eax
mov dword eax, (hello_world_3 - hello_world_2)
mov dword ebx, (code1_mark_2 - code1_start)
mov dword [ebx + ebp - 4], eax
;finally call it
call dword ebp
; 如果只要展現第一個範例,加上底下這行。否則執行流會執行到不該到的地方。
; jmp smc_end。
;copy second example
; 拷貝的同時會更新 esi 和 edi。
mov dword ecx, (code2_end - code2_start) ; 欲拷貝的長度 (byte)
mov dword esi, code2_start ; 來源
mov dword edi, ebp ; 目的 (bss 段)
rep movsb ; 開始搬移
;do something real nasty: edi points right after the 'rep stosb'
;instruction, so this will really modify itself
; edi 指向?
mov dword edi, ebp
add dword edi, (code2_mark - code2_start) ; 去掉此行,輸出應為 ebx: 08h。這裡是將 edi 調整成指向 code2_mark,之後再將
; code2_mark 後的內容覆寫。
call dword ebp
;modify code in section .text itself
;allow us to write to section .text
mov dword eax, SYS_MPROTECT ; int mprotect(const void *addr, size_t len, int prot);
mov dword ebx, smc_start
and dword ebx, 0xfffff000
mov dword ecx, 0x2000
mov dword edx, (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC)
int byte 0x80
test dword eax, eax
js near smc_error
;write message to screen
mov dword eax, SYS_WRITE
mov dword ebx, 1
mov dword ecx, endless_loop
mov dword edx, (hello_world_1 - endless_loop)
int byte 0x80
;here comes the magic, which prevents endless execution
; 將終止程序的代碼 (smc_end) 拷貝到 endless,如此便不會有無窮迴圈。
mov dword ecx, (smc_end_1 - smc_end)
mov dword esi, smc_end
mov dword edi, endless
rep movsb
;do it again
jmp short endless
;* code2
;this is the ret opcode we copy above
;and the nop opcode needed by code2
;here some real selfmodifying code, if copied
;to .bss and edi correctly loaded ebx should contain 0x4 instead
;of 0x8
; http://courses.engr.illinois.edu/ece390/archive/fall2001/books/labmanual/inst-ref-stosb.html
mov byte al, [no_operation]
xor dword ebx, ebx ; 清空 ebx
mov dword ecx, 0x04 ; 看要覆寫掉幾個後面的 inc dword ebx。
rep stosb ; 將 al 的內容寫到 edi 所指的地方,重複 ecx 次。
inc dword ebx
inc dword ebx
inc dword ebx
inc dword ebx
inc dword ebx
inc dword ebx
inc dword ebx
inc dword ebx ; 如果 edi 沒有被改寫,輸出應為 ebx = 08h
call dword [function_pointer] ; 印出 ebx: 04h
align 4
function_pointer: dd write_hex
;* write_hex
mov byte bh, bl
shr byte bl, 4
add byte bl, 0x30
cmp byte bl, 0x3a
jb short .number_1
add byte bl, 0x07
mov byte [hex_number], bl
and byte bh, 0x0f
add byte bh, 0x30
cmp byte bh, 0x3a
jb short .number_2
add byte bh, 0x07
mov byte [hex_number + 1], bh
mov dword eax, SYS_WRITE
mov dword ebx, 1
mov dword ecx, hex_text
mov dword edx, 9
int byte 0x80
section .data
hex_text: db "ebx: "
hex_number: db "00h", 10
;* some text
endless_loop: db "No endless loop here!", 10 ; 10 代表回車
hello_world_1: db "Hello World!", 10
hello_world_2: db "This code was modified!", 10
;* smc_error
section .text
xor dword eax, eax ; 清空 eax
inc dword eax ; _exit 呼叫號
mov dword ebx, eax ; ebx 為狀態號
int byte 0x80
;* smc_end
section .text
xor dword eax, eax ; 清空 eax
xor dword ebx, ebx ; 清空 ebx
inc dword eax ; _exit 呼叫號
int byte 0x80
;*********************************************** linuxassembly@unusedino.de *