I am Yu-Shuen Wang (王昱舜), a professor of the Department of Computer Science at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. I received my PhD degree from the Visual System Laboratory, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC, in 2010. Currently, I lead the Computer Graphics and Visualization Lab at the Institute of Multimedia Engineering. My research interests include Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Data Visualization, and Machine Learning. I was honored with the prestigious Wu Da-Yu Memorial Award and the NCTU EECS Outstanding Young Scholar Award in 2016. Please refer to his CV for more details.

Adversarial Colorization of Icons based on Structure and Color Conditions

BasketballGAN: Generating Basketball Play Simulation through Sketching

iTour: Making Tourist Maps GPS-Enabled

iVRNote: Design, Creation and Evaluation of an Interactive Note-Taking Interface for Study and Reflection in VR Learning Environments